Each year of your life, Valentine's Day will likely bring out different thoughts and feelings. When you were younger, you were probably pretty excited about getting cards and candy. As you grow older, the focus changes from Valentine treats to the feelings connected with the holiday. You may view it as a day to celebrate a special relationship, friendships, or your family. But there will be some years when you would rather not acknowledge your relationships, or the lack of them in your life. If that's the case, Valentine's Day may cause negative feelings especially when you focus too much on what you hope to get or what the day might bring.

  • Are you are tired of standing empty handed while others are getting flowers and candy from a special someone?
  • Are you preparing yourself for getting something you really don't want?
  • Does your significant other not believe in or remember that it's Valentine's Day?
  • Do you have your heart set on getting just the most perfect gift this year?

Instead of focusing on what you might get, think about how you can give a gift from your heart. Try making a card, writing a note, sending a photo or text. You could also go out of your way to do something nice for someone else. The idea is that if you concentrate on the giving, you might not get your hopes up so much about the getting.

Does Valentine's Day have to just be about hearts and flowers from a certain someone? Include your friends and/or family in on the holiday celebration. Guess what? Your grandma would probably love flowers or a card from you. Is there a broken relationship that you would like to mend? How about doing something nice for yourself?

You don't have to spend a lot of money on someone to show how you feel. Give a gift from the heart. Remember that caring about others is not just a Valentine's Day thing—show you care 365 days a year. Having that as your focus may turn out to be a lot more rewarding than placing all your hopes and dreams on what happens on just that one day during the year!